Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hugo Chavez AND Fidel Castro Are Spreading The Lovenstein Hoax

The Lovenstein Institute rumor, it seems, has spread out all over south America, coincidentally happening during Presiden't Bush's visits down there. Many spanish bloggers have taken the bait. BUT who is primarily responsible for this disinformation campaign? Why, it's Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro!

I found this from an apologetic blogger who once thought the rumor was true (I had to use the google translation tool which accounts for the bad translation):

As I revive the urban legend on Bush?

The urban legend is like the old rockers, never die and proof of it is the seudo report on the little intelligence of George W. Bush, that has resurged of its ashes to remember the risks of the virtual era.

The person in charge of the resurrection of the deceptive study was “enemy number one” of Bush, President Hugo Chavez, who of “against tour” by the region reducing protagonism to the visit from Bush to five countries of the zone, took advantage of his pass by the stage soccer of the equipment Railroad the West in Buenos Aires to mofar itself of the little intellectual capacity of his rival saying;

“I saw a peculiar note today that Fidel commanded to me, by the way today arrived via Havana a block to me from the news. President Bush is the president with lower intellectual coefficient in all the history of the United States”, said the Venezuelan agent chief executive before a hearing that the past applauded its occurrences the night of Friday and from everything began there.

Several means reproduced the analysis of the Lovenstein Institute a nonexistent center whose only facade is a page of Internet with eslogan that it says; “The aim of our lives begins when we remain shut up before subjects that matter”.

The section of “information” of the page heads the study on the intellectual quotient of Bush. According to the ghost institute which I know defines as a “training center”, and it says to count on prestigious historians, psychiatrists, sociologists and sicólogos.

The certain thing is that no of mentioned academic brilliants in the analysis exists and that between the million Institutes that there are in the United States there is no is called “Lovenstein”. But what yes it exists it is the page with credible appearance that is updated every day.

Sight more this I do not have left than to load with my penance and to request excuses, by the part that touches to me.

Tinterillo says;

One of the bases of the media is to resist the information and to make sure that he is truthful. But often the fact that the rest shares a information seems sufficient guarantee of confirmation. For that reason sometimes they strain surprising histories to us.
With the amount of information that is generated and transmitted nowadays, it turns out complicated to know what is truth and what it is lie. Mainly when it comes from agencies of the news and they have several means.
And it is not the first time that happens, Internet has opened a door to the information, a new channel for the communications, but sometimes it is deception that in the street hoax” or “fake” is known like “urban legend” and in Internet “, that is to say, hoaxes or deceits.

We offer excuses “With the best intention…”

Read that again:

“I saw a peculiar note today that Fidel commanded to me, by the way today arrived via Havana a block to me from the news. President Bush is the president with lower intellectual coefficient in all the history of the United States”, said the Venezuelan agent chief executive before a hearing that the past applauded its occurrences the night of Friday and from everything began there.

The whole thing in spanish:

¿Como resucito la leyenda urbana sobre Bush?

Las leyendas urbanas son como los viejos rockeros, nunca mueren y prueba de ello es el seudo informe sobre la escasa inteligencia de George W. Bush, que ha resurgido de sus cenizas para recordar los riesgos de la era virtual.

El responsable de la resurrección del estudio falaz fue el “enemigo número uno” de Bush, el Presidente Hugo Chávez, que de "contra gira" por la región para restar protagonismo a la visita de Bush a cinco países de la zona, aprovechó su paso por el estadio de fútbol del equipo Ferrocarril Oeste en Buenos Aires para mofarse de la escasa capacidad intelectual de su rival diciendo;

“Vi hoy una nota curiosa que me mandó Fidel, por cierto hoy me llegó vía La Habana un bloque de noticias. El presidente Bush es el presidente con más bajo coeficiente intelectual en toda la historia de Estados Unidos”, dijo el mandatario venezolano ante una audiencia que aplaudió sus ocurrencias la noche del pasado viernes y a partir de ahí comenzó todo.

Varios medios reprodujeron el análisis del Instituto Lovenstein un centro inexistente cuya única fachada es una página de Internet con el eslogan que dice; “El fin de nuestras vidas comienza cuando permanecemos callados ante asuntos que importan”.

La sección de “informes” de la página la encabeza el estudio sobre el cociente intelectual de Bush. Según el instituto fantasma que sé define como un "centro de estudios", y dice contar con prestigiosos historiadores, psiquiatras, sociólogos y sicólogos.

Lo cierto es que ninguno de los brillantes académicos citados en el análisis existen y que entre los millones de Institutos que hay en Estados Unidos no hay ningúno que se llame “Lovenstein”. Pero lo que sí existe es la página con apariencia creíble que se actualiza todos los días.

Visto esto no me queda más que cargar con mi penitencia y pedir disculpas, por la parte que me toca.

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Monday, March 12, 2007

Fidel Castro Falls For The Lovenstein Internet Hoax

Ok, not Fidel Castro exactly. (Who knows if he actually reads the bilgewater the Communist Party of Cuba actually puts out?). But I find this from the "Official Organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba":

12 March, 2007

Bush Intellect Lowest among US Presidents

George W. Bush has the lowest IQ of the 12 US presidents over the past 60 years, states a report published by the Lovenstein Institute of Scranton, Pennsylvania.

To come up with their ranking the think tank used two basic criteria: Writings that the presidents produced without aid of staff and their ability to speak with clarity.

Bill Clinton scored highest on the intelligence rating with 182 points followed by James Carter with 175. Bush finished last with 91 points.

The Lovenstein Institute explained that Bush’s low score was due to his difficulty in expressing himself, his limited vocabulary (6,500 works compared to 11,000 of other presidents) and his lack of scholarly achievements other than a basic MBA.

Following Clinton and Carter in the intelligence ranking were: John Kennedy (174 points), Ricard Nixon (155), Franklin Roosevelt (147), Harry Truman (132), Lyndon Johnson (126), Dwight Eisenhower (122), Gerald Ford (121), Ronald Reagan (105), and George Bush Sr. (98).

(Taken from from Ecuador)

I went to "", and could not find the article. It's either buried somewhere in the site (I didnt exactly do an exhaustive search), or it has been deleted.

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